About Us
Founded in 2005, the Entertainment Master Class (EMC) has pioneered a new style of peer-to-peer education, a Masterclass program created by the industry for the industry, designed for aspiring creators, executives and entrepreneurs who work in the worldwide business of television entertainment.
EMC launched the first ever Format Masterclass, premiering in 2005, the first Comedy
Masterclass in 2006, the first Entertainment Management Masterclass in 2010, and the first Showrunner Masterclass in 2014. Year in, year out, our Masterclasses have travelled the world, evolving as the business evolves. We do not use rigid curriculums or degree programs and we do not believe in the teacher above the student paradigm. We believe in the fluidity of creativity and thought, a flow of information and experience shared from peer to peer, coming together in a Circle of trust. It is for this reason our classes are so successful and participants return year after year; the knowledge is ever changing, always relevant and flowing freely for the taking.

More than 300 leading practitioners from within the industry and around the world speak, teach and mentor at the EMC. The focus of its Masterclass is always on people – their attitudes, mindsets and skills – and on how they trigger creativity to make television entertainment with intelligence, emotion and empathy. Internationally recognised for its interactive curriculum, collaborative dialogue, and global reach, the EMC has earned a reputation as the television industry’s own school of entertainment. Since 2008, the EMC is proud of the remarkable successes of more than 1000 Master Class Alumni, from 40+ countries from all 5 continents, moving on to be ahead of the game, making them true masters of entertainment.
EMC Masterclasses include:
The Circle – Part of EMC’s latest initiative The Showrunner Society

Our Philosophy
Personalised mentorship is at the heart of the EMC. Our program tutors and mentors take the time to give participants advice and guidance on their work and business. Peer coaching and feedback has proven to be an essential source of practical advice and business judgment. Each year we accept no more than 30 selected participants to each Masterclass of our program.
Our Masterclass Program is based on the conviction that creative thinking can be triggered when different minds who are willing to share come together in strong multidisciplinary groups. To ensure diversity of experience and background, we are looking for participants from the most diverse fields across the worldwide business of screen entertainment. Participants include creators, producers, commissioners, broadcasters, distributors, advertisers and financers – from small start-ups to large organisations. We aim to reflect the diversity of the business all across the world’s markets, bringing both sellers and buyers together in a truly global classroom.
Our Masterclass Program embraces an educational as well as a social philosophy: worthwhile learning takes place when people connect beyond the classroom. It is not only about learning in one classroom alongside a select group of like-minded peers, it is as much about having fun and making friends.
Where We've Been…
The EMC Masterclass has travelled the world bringing knowledge and professionals together for the ultimate educational experience.

Our Team

Christoph Fey
Chief Executive Officer,
All Brands

Rebecca Roth
Executive Vice President,
All Brands

Steven Bawol
Showrunner Society

Shannon Getty
Creative Director,
Showrunner Society

Steven Adams
Co-Head Global Strategy,
Showrunner Society

Theo Dumont
Co-Head Global Strategy
Showrunner Society